Friday, April 9, 2010

Friday in Haiti

86 degrees at this moment while we wait for our ride into the city, Cap Haitien. Needless to say we are melting while the locals are like, "oh, no this is nice!"
Yesterday we realized that God had allowed us to exactly have the amount of medicine we would need for the 4 days of our clinic because by the end of the day there was pretty much nothing left! Many people had serious health issues that sadly our few minutes with them will not bringing healing. We prayed though that what medicine we were able to give will help and bring some relief and healing even if temporarily. Many need glasses living with headaches everyday; the 16 or so reading glasses we brought down were gone very quickly. Most need to see an eye doctor; I would love to come back with one and provide the vision help so many need. Imagine having cancerous cells removed from your body and going 3 weeks without being able to get a dressing change! We are so blessed to not have to experience that unless it is by choice.
Funny to some (not me) was right now I couldn't starting typing until the cat and little lizard moved away from this computer! That cat was having more fun than me! I did take a picture though so will hopefully get that uploaded later IF you care to see!
ok better go and chat with our new friends because tomorrow will come too quickly!

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