Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Sunday in Haiti

Well we were up at 4:30 to get ready in the dark for church, no lights, no hot water and no mirror. Church was wonderfully lively; the singing and the preaching. They welcomed us in English and then Creole for the remaining 2 hours. Praising the One who made us all made us feel unified even though we couldn't understand the words.
We've sorted through our medical supplies and feel we are as ready as we can be for our clinic tomorrow. Spent some time playing with the children from the orphanage today-so much fun! I'm taking LOTS of pictures not sure if I can upload all of them.
Now, as for sleeping last night, it really wasn't so bad - once we figured out how to get our nets situated. Well, the chickens definitely were cockle-doodle-doing most of the night and there were dogs doing their barking thing for most of it too. But other than THAT it wasn't so bad.
I look forward to updating tomorrow after our first day of the clinic!

1 comment:

  1. I can relate to the mosquito net, the chickens and the barking dogs-just in a different language :) Alice


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