Sunday, November 7, 2010

Sunday Evening In My Favorite Third World Country

After a trip to the airport to retrieve our luggage we stopped briefly at a very nice hotel for Tanner and I to change our clothes. I am so grateful that I do not have to drive here! No stop and go lights, many many holes in the road. They are like 10 of our potholes put together. There are little trucks, large trucks, cars, motorcycles, mopeds all going in various directions to get where they want to go, as fast as they can; still not sure HOW we have not seen any accidents or any person getting hit yet!
Church in Cap Haitien was great even if I didn't hardly understand a word of it! I met the nurse for the school that I will be working with for part of the week. We will be going into the classes to teach cholera prevention and basic hygiene to help prevent contracting many potential illnesses here. We hope to go into every classroom; looking forward to that! Off to an evening service soon, sprayed down for mosquitoes, they are pretty intense!
Oh, and discovered I cannot leave an apple in my carryon bag in the room. Came back to my room last night to see little teeth marks. I was pretty grossed out but tried to NOT think about what the animal was. So strange also that last night I dreamed it was a woodchuck that was chewing on my apple. SO wish I could bring everyone here that would like to see Haiti.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds so awesome already.Did you forget to tell everyone about class. Or does mary have to call us?? lol Have lots of fun!


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