Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Evening at Home

Descending into the Wausau airport watching the snow fly past the airplane window was enough proof that I must be back in Wisconsin! The closer we got to home the snow started to collect on the road making the drive go a little slower; a true "welcome home" for us! Since my suitcase did not arrive I am hoping the airlines delivers it tomorrow since Tanner and my malarone (anti-malaria) pills are in there. We need to take them daily for another week. Malaria is spread by mosquitoes and with all the bites I have I need to be safe.
Grateful to have electricity with bright lights (the lights we had by generator light were dimmer than I usually have). Grateful for a fresh glass of milk, hot shower, smooth roads, turning on the faucet to get a drink of pure and safe water.
Tonight we watched the 60 Minutes special segment on Port au Prince and the lack of help the people have gotten now 10 months since the earthquake and the cholera epidemic. It was interesting timing for me to watch and confirmed to me the bond I now have with the people of Haiti and my desire to continue to help in whatever way that I can.
Now begins my request to friends and family to help me send more supplies to the school that we worked at. The amount of vitamins and medicine we brought down will not last long. The nurse is also sending me a list of supplies that she knows she could use to help her care for the children. While there one young girl came to the nurse feeling sick. After a few questions we discovered that she hadn't eaten in 2 days. We gave her some crackers and juice and now I cannot say when her next meal was other than Friday lunch which is the one day the school can afford to offer a hot meal for the students. Educating the next generation is the hope for Haiti; they will be the next leaders of this struggling country. I want to do my part to offer them the best that we can while they study by fading day light and attend school in their handwashed and ironed uniforms and try to learn with fevers, poor eye sight and even empty stomaches.
As Americans we are blessed, even our poor are richer than Haitians. I am encouraging everyone to visit Haiti you will never be the same and others will be blessed because of you.

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